about kayla

I know most times when you come to a site they talk in third person but I wanted to talk to you directly; especially as you get to know me more.

I am not good at talking about myself because I never want to come off as over pretentious. But this is my website so I guess that rule doesn’t apply and I don’t like to half do anything so buckle up!

I am a triple Aries. I always like to start with that so people aren’t confused about why I am such a firecracker. I began my journey as a full-time content creator November 2020. I started off on Twitch playing The Sims 4 with my community known as ‘The Kave’. As I started to grow in the online space I began to slowly incorporate my love for lifestyle + wellness content in what I was pouring into. It started off as just weekly vlogs on my YouTube channel, to making digital guides for others and providing services and insights on how we can all incorporate gentle love and healing into our everyday lives. I started using the tools I learned in therapy, and in my daily life practices, to help others. Helping at least one person feel better daily is something I am very passionate about.

Okay, back to me. I curated my community, The Kave, with my online presence and they saved my life in more ways than I’ll ever be able to explain. So this website is also for them, and you too newcomer! My goal with this space is to allow you to feel seen in everything I create. Whether it’s a piece of clothing or a mental health blog. You matter and you are worth being seen. 
Thank you for supporting me this far.
Enjoy your stay,

Kandidly Kayla